“When I walked in the first day, I had no clue as to what I should expect. The only thing I was hoping was that you would not be a total bore and I could keep up with the work. From the very first moment, I enjoyed myself. You made me feel relaxed because you smiled at everybody and made us feel like you actually enjoyed being there with us.”
Maria — College Student
“I remember one area of a class that Dr. Tepper was teaching. We were studying finance. This dealt with percentage loans and down payments on major purchases such as homes, land, and automobiles. The way in which Dr. Tepper presented the material made comprehending the subject so much easier and enjoyable than ever before when I had been introduced to it.”
Russ — College Student
“There is a distinct difference between teaching students and teaching math. Dr. Tepper is a teacher of students. She has successfully demonstrated her ability to dissect a math program and rebuild it for the student’s success. She identifies what student’s need are and then ‘pitches it so they can hit it’ with lowering expectations.”
Jim — School Principal
2020 Self-Published Book Awards — Judge’s Commentary*: There’s a lot to say about this book. It is so well done. It makes math fun, which is a hard sell to some. It makes it understandable and digestible. The organization is expertly done. Organized into chapters the author breaks down the math, but she also breaks down the anxiety and psychiatry that goes into understanding and working with math. The book starts off in a fantastic manner with the breakdown of the approach to managing the anxiety of math, before getting into fractions, percentages, and metrics in the following chapters. The writing is superb. Starting with the names of the chapters, the prose is clever and engaging. This leads the author to tell personal and other stories in such a way that you can’t help but be drawn into the book. These stories help the reader engage more richly with math. The storytelling really makes math interesting. Not that math isn’t interesting on its own, but the writing. The writing.
The book is also really well designed and produced, with contemporary design choice making this an attractive book. The cover is slick and would make a reader pick the book up. The font choices internally and externally are all well done.
Structure, Organization, and Pacing: Outstanding
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: Outstanding
Production Quality and Cover Design: Outstanding
Plot and Story Appeal: Outstanding
Voice and Writing Style: Outstanding